Travel Packing List

Travel Packing List Three for Budapest

10:48 AMZannnie

This is the part three of the continuation of Packing List for Budapest Travel.

 In a small backpack, which is preferably lightweight for carrying a cardigan or a sweater, include your camera, guidebook, picnic goodies such as chocolate bar or muesli bar and a bottle of water/drink.

One thing that you are suggested not to use is 'Fanny packs' (beware of pickpockets since you are not European looking and totally Asian, they (the pickpockets) know right away you are not locals. It is thus safer not to draw their attention to the use of 'fanny packs' which are small fabric pouch secured with a zipper and worn by use of a strap around the hips or waist. This same item has different names from belt pack, belly bag, Baffalo pouch, hip sack, bum bag, banano or moon bag. Whichever it is, you know it is not recommended.

Camera and its batteries (for cold winter, some digital camera might even freeze). So if you do not mind losing a few beautiful photographs, you might want to consider backing up your batteries as they tend to get weak in the cold climate.

Water bottle: Empty a water bottle at airport security, but reuse whereby you can fill up tap water in Hungary as it is perfectly safe to drink directly from the tap. Wristwatch with built-in alarm, this item makes you less reliant on the 'wake-up call' by budget hotels. Earplugs: those types that are expandable foam plugs to reduce unnecessary noise on flight or even some hostel accommodations are just separating you with another traveler with a thin non-sound proofed wall.

Continue the last part of the Travel Packing List

See Packing List One and Packing List Two

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